Course index

For more information about these courses, please see the UGA Bulletin.
Course Sphere Level
ECOL 1000 (only when taught by Capps or Rugenski; otherwise this is an Ecological Sphere course): Ecological Basis of Environmental Issues Anchor Undergrad
ECOL 3300: Field Program in Ecological Problem-Solving Anchor Undergrad
ECOL 4080/6080: Principles of Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development I (4080 is accepted as Ecology Sphere only) Any Split
ETAP 5700/7700E: Sustainability Education: Promising Practices Anchor Split
FANR 1500: Fundamentals of Sustainable Development Anchor Undergrad
FANR 4020/6020: Sustainable Development Anchor Split
FANR(ANTH)(ECOL)(GEOG)(INTL) 4271/6271: People, Planet, and Profit Any Split
LAND 2310: Introduction to Sustainability Anchor Undergrad