Course index

For more information about these courses, please see the UGA Bulletin.
Course Sphere Level
AESC 8310: Food Systems Sustainability, Security, and Resilience Any Grad
ANTH 4010/6010: Historical Ecology Ecological Split
ANTH 6900: Special Topics in Anthropology Ecological Grad
CVLE/MCHE/LAND 4660/6660: Sustainable Building Design Ecological Split
ECOL 4080/6080: Principles of Conservation Ecology and Sustainable Development I (4080 is accepted as Ecology Sphere only) Any Split
ECOL 8710/JURI 5290: Environmental Law Practicum Ecological Grad
ECOL(FANR) 4220/6220: Foundations of Restoration Ecology Ecological Split
ECOL/FISH/WASR 4310/6310: Freshwater Ecosystems: Resilience and Responses to Global Change Ecological Split
EDES 4650/6650: City Planning Ecological Split
EHSC 7010E: Fundamentals of Environmental Health Science Ecological Grad
ENVE 4230/6230: Energy in Nature, Civilization, and Engineering Ecological Split
FANR 4273/6273: Field Studies in Sustainable Development Ecological Split
FANR(ANTH)(ECOL)(GEOG)(INTL) 4271/6271: People, Planet, and Profit Any Split
FORS 5100/7100E: Forest Ecology Ecological Split
FORS(ANTH) 4270/6270: Field Studies in Conservation: Great Smoky Mountains National Park Ecological Split
GEOG 4160/6160: Applied Climatology in the Urban Environment Ecological Split
GEOL 4220/6220: Hydrogeology Ecological Split
HORT (CRSS)(ENTO)(PATH) 4125/6125: Organic Agricultural Systems Ecological Split
HORT 4030/6030: Sustainable Community Food Production Ecological Split
LAND 4730/6730: Issues and Practices in Sustainable Design Ecological Split
LAND 6030: Nature and Sustainability Ecological Grad
LAND 6310: Landscape Ecology: Materials and Processes Ecological Grad
LAND 6390: Ecological Landscape Restoration Ecological Grad
MARS 8050: Climate, Oceans, and the Marine Biosphere Ecological Grad
WILD5200/7200: International Issues in Wildlife Conservation Ecological Split